Issue Position: Preserving Hudson Valley Values and Quality of Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

The Hudson Valley is a great place to live, work and raise a family. As a member of Congress, I will stand up for our Hudson Valley values--preserving the character of our community and protecting our quality-of-life.

From balancing economic growth with environmental conservation and preventing overdevelopment, the Hudson Valley has unique needs. As a member of Congress, I will bring people together to solve these problems, not just talk about them.

The federal government has a responsibility to address contamination in our local water supply, as well as harmful algae blooms infesting area lakes. We also need critical investments in the region's infrastructure to create high-paying new jobs and expanded opportunities for everyone in the Hudson Valley.

For decades, Washington has shortchanged New York State. This has created an undue burden on local property homeowners and businesses and it's the reason we pay the nation's highest property taxes. Just like President Trump has negotiated better trade deals that treat American businesses and workers more fairly, I will go to Washington and negotiate a better deal for New York taxpayers.

My husband Richard and I live in Orange County and, unlike Sean Patrick Maloney, my only priority will be fighting for the residents of our region in the U.S. House of Representatives.
